Do you love coffee? Here are six reasons to drink it!
A cup of coffee doesn’t only have a good taste. There is actually a number of good reasons to drink coffee every day. In particular coffee owns several health benefits that few people know. Here a list of motives that can convince you to drink this beverage:
– Some researches show coffee consumption can reduce the risk of diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Cancer
– It increases physical performances because it gives you more energy and it can help you burn fat
– It has positive effects on brain. For instance it boosts you memory, it improves cognitive functions and reduces risk of depression because caffeine may affect brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine
– It protects your liver. How? Researchers have shown that drinking about two cups of coffee a day is linked to a 44% lower risk of developing liver cirrhosis
– It’s a powerful antioxidant, more than fruits and vegetables combined
– Coffee adds years to your life. It reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases
Even if we suggest to drink coffee, don’t fill up just yet and remember it’s better to drink it without sugar and cream!